PRELIMINARY AGENDAThe Third GEOSS Asia-PacificSymposium:
Data Sharing for Transverse GEOSS
Kyoto Research Park in Kyoto, Japan
On February 4-6, 2009
Preliminary Agenda
Day 1 through Day 3: February 4th - 6th(am) "Exhibition" at Banquet Hall
Day1:February 04 (Wed) - Plenary
09:30-10:00 RegistrationEMorning Coffee
10:00-10:05 OpeningProf. Jose Achache, Secretariat Director of GEO
10:05-10:10 Welcome by Host CountryMr. Masaaki Tanaka, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
10:10-11:00 Keynote Speech
Empower the Communities with the Virtual Earth Technology:
(Dr. Vincent Tao, Microsoft)
11:00-12:00 GEOSS Architecture and Priorities
GEOSS Priorities in 2009-2011
(Prof. Jose Achache, Secretariat Director of GEO)
GEOSS Architecture and Data Management
(Prof. Ryosuke Shibasaki, MEXT)
Network Opportunities for GEOSS
(Dr Richard Hughes-Jones,Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (DANTE))
12:00-13:30 Group Photo Session and Lunch
13:30-15:00 Country and Regional Reports on GEOSS Related Activities(15m,each)Japan(Mr.Masaaki.Tanaka, MEXT)
Australia(Dr. Gary Richards, Department of Climate Change)
Bangladeshi(Mr.Zahidur Rahman, Ministry of Defence)
China(Dr.Wang Guofu,National Meteorological Information Centre, CMA)
Indonesia(Dr.Mahdi Kartasasmita,National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN))
Korea (Dr. Yong-Seob Lee, Korea Meteorological Administration)
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:30 Country and Regional Reports on GEOSS Related Activities (Continued)Pakistan (Dr. Qamar-Uz-Zaman Chaudhry, Pakistan Meteorological Department)
APN: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research(APN) (Dr. Linda Anne Stevenson, APN)
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) (Mrs. Mandira Shrestha)
16:30-17:30 Theme and Task of Parallel Sessions(10m,each)Monitoring and Predicting Climate Change( Dr. Yukihiro Nojiri, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan )
Water Cycle in the Asia-Oceanic region (Prof. Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Monitoring changes in ecosystem, biodiversity and ecosystem services(Prof. Tetsukazu Yahara, Kyushu University)Earth Observation and Data Sharing for Disaster Management (Prof. Kaoru Takara , Kyoto University, Japan)
Toward actual collaboration among Climate, Water Cycle and Disasters (Prof. Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Necessity and possibility of observation, forecasting, and data sharing through the interdisciplinary collaboration of gEcosystem - Climate Change - Disasterh(Dr.Yoshiki Yamagata, NIES, Japan)
17:30-17:35 Brief Presentation of Exhibitions by Exhibitors by Secretariat
18:00-20:00 Reception (Kyoto Tokyu Hotel)
Day2:February 05 (Thu) - Parallel Sessions/ Interdisciplinary Sessions
8:30-9:00 RegistrationEMorning Coffee
To streamline the discussion, the Symposium will include four parallel sessions and two interdisciplinary sessions. The objective is to present and discuss relevant activities, focusing particularly on activities in the Asia-Pacific region, and to identify future activities that will contribute to GEOSS implementation.
9:00-12:00 Parallel SessionsWG1FMonitoring and Predicting Climate Change
(Co-chaired by Dr. Yukihiro Nojiri and Dr. Nobuko Saigusa,NIES, Japan)
WG2FWater Cycle in the Asia-Oceanic region
(Chaired by Prof. Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo, Japan)
WG3FMonitoring changes in ecosystem, biodiversity and ecosystem services
(Chaired by Prof.Tetsukazu Yahara, Kyushu University, Japan)
WG4FEarth Observation and Data Sharing for Disaster Management
(Co-Chaired by Prof. Kaoru Takara, Kyoto University, Japan, Prof.Haruo Sawada, Tokyo University,Japan and Dr. Masanobu Shimada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Interdisciplinary Sessions
WG5.Toward actual collaboration among Climate, Water Cycle and Disasters
(Co-chaired by Prof. Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo, Japan and Prof. Eiichi Nakakita, Kyoto University, Japan)
(Co-chaired by Dr. Yoshiki Yamagata, NIES, Japan and Dr. Alexander Held, CSIRO, Australia)
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-18:00 Interdisciplinary Sessions (Continued)
Day3 : February 06 (Fri) -Plenary
09:00-10:45 Reports from Each Session and Discussions on Way Forward
Monitoring and Predicting Climate Change( Dr. Yukihiro Nojiri, NIES, Japan )
Water Cycle in the Asia-Oceanic region (Prof. Toshio Koike,University of Tokyo, Japan)
Monitoring changes in ecosystem, biodiversity and ecosystem services (Prof.Tetsukazu Yahara, Kyushu University, Japan)
Earth Observation and Data Sharing for Disaster Management (Prof.Kaoru Takara, Kyoto University, Japan)
Toward actual collaboration among Climate, Water Cycle and Disasters(Prof.Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Necessity and possibility of observation, forecasting, and data sharing through the interdisciplinary collaboration of gEcosystem - Climate Change - Disasterh (Dr.Yoshiki Yamagata, NIES, Japan)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Panel DiscussionPanelists:
Prof. Ryosuke Shibasaki, University of Tokyo (Chair)
Prof. Jose Achache, Dr.,Nobuko Saigusa, Prof.Toshio Koike, Prof.Tetsukazu Yahara,Prof. Haruo Sawada ,Prof.Eiichi Nakakita, Dr. Alexander Held
12:00-12:15 Closing RemarksProf. Jose Achache, Secretariat Director of GEO
12:30-17:45 Technical Tour
Shigaraki MU observatory, RISH, Kyoto University Byoudou-in, the world heritage Buddhist temple