Where is your business located?

RESTEC provides solutions that match the needs of its customers, based on the knowhow it has accumulated through the reception, processing, analysis, and distribution of earth observation data within Japan and overseas.

Today, Japan is forced to confront many problems not only in the form of abnormal weather conditions, but also in the form of various natural disasters. RESTEC aims to contribute to the Japanese community and to the lives of the people by utilizing its remote sensing technologies in a wide range of areas, including the agriculture, forestry, and fishery industries, environment, disaster prevention, map information, and education.

  • disaster
    SAR images, which can be collected even at night and during stormy weather, contribute to disaster management and business risk avoidance as well as to emergency responses and disaster recovery efforts.
  • Social Infrastructure
    Social Infrastructure
    RESTEC proposes uses of technology in processes ranging from planning and constructing to maintaining roads, railways, subways, ports, airports, and more.
  • Geospatial Information
    Geospatial Information
    Elevation data are essential for constructing structures and predicting disaster damage. Satellite data generates high-precision measurements covering the entire world.
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    Satellite image analyses, which include analyses of the rice planting situation and crop growing conditions as well as forest distribution maps and sea surface temperature charts, support primary industries in many ways.
  • Environment
    Distribution maps of seaweed beds, tidal flats, coral reefs, and more created from satellite image analyses make up a database designed for protecting the environment.
  • SDGs
    RESTEC provides satellite information for the financial services industry in order to support the livelihood of farmers as part of overseas SDGs programs.
  • Sale of Satellite Image Data
    Sale of Satellite Image Data
    RESTEC can introduce customers to satellite image data that best suits their purposes. We can also offer proposals on how to utilize the data.