About ALOS-2

The Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) is follow-on mission from the “DAICHI”, which contributed to cartography, regional observation, disaster monitoring, and resource surveys. ALOS-2 will succeed this mission with enhanced capabilities. Specifically, JAXA is conducting research and development activities to improve wide and high-resolution observation technologies developed for DAICHI in order to further fulfill social needs.


Sensor SAR
PALSAR-2(Frequency) L-band (1.2 GHz band)
Observation mode Spotlight Resolution:1×3m
Strip Map Resolution:3m~10m
ScanSAR Resolution:60~100m
Orbit type Sun-synchronous quasi-return orbit
Altitude 628km
Descending point local time 12:00 (noon)
Return days 14 days
Design life 5 years (target: 7 years)
Satellite mass Approx. 2,100 kg
Mission data transmission Direct transmission, and via data relay satellite
Launch date 2013
Launch vehicle H-IIA launch vehicle No. 24

Observation Modes

Observation Mode Range Resolution Azimuth Resolution Scene Size Polarimetry
Spotlight 3.0m 1.0m 25km x 25km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Ultra-Fine 3.0m 3.0m 55km x 70km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)
High-sensitive 6.0m 4.3m 55km x 70km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)
Fine 9.1m 5.3m 70km x 70km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)
High-sensitive (Full Polarimetry) 5.1m 4.3m 30km x 70km Quad (HH + HV + VH + VV)
Fine (Full Polarimetry) 8.7m 5.3m 30km x 70km Quad (HH + HV + VH + VV)
ScanSAR nominal (28Mhz) 47.5m (5 look) 77.7m (3 look) 350.5km x 355km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)
ScanSAR nominal (14Mhz) 95.1m (5 look) 77.7m (3 look) 350.5km x 355km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)
ScanSAR wide (490km) 44.2m (2 look) 56.7m (1.51 look) 489.5km x 355km Single (HH or HV or VH or VV)
Dual (HH + HV or VH + VV)

※ The values are defined at the incidence angle of 37 degrees.